Say hello to the folks who bring you STCC!
President & CEO of STCC
STCC Vice President
Sarah Jo
Lover of all things GI Joe, Ben and his wife Sarah started STCC as a hobby that turned into an obsession. In his spare time you can find him hitting up garage sales, alphabetizing his comic books and recruiting anyone with a face to build his STCC empire.
Passionate about Star Wars memorabilia and essential oils. She’s the perfect counterpart to Ben and together they are taking on the world of Cons. She also makes killer desserts.

Mr. Anything & Everything
Ben’s right hand man with a plan. Sports enthusiast and the master of useless knowledge. A quiet, sensible guy who can be oddly hilarious at the most random moments. He dreams of becoming Tony Stark - at least the billionaire part.

Marketing & Social Media Guru
Self nicknamed BlondieKon, she has absolutely no nerd cred, but we accept her anyway. She loves naps, short walks on the beach and the smell of deodorant. 99% of the STCC Facebook posts come from the voices in her head.

Director of Admissions & VIP
In a superhero comic she would be Scholastic Wonder Woman. She is organized, encouraging and unstoppable. She manages the most difficult situations without breaking a sweat, but don’t ask her to take direct orders from Ben. Everyone has their limit, and that is hers.

Official STCC Photographer
The girl version of the Flash - she’s quick to capture the best shots of the convention. Everywhere you look she is there, patiently waiting like a ninja for the perfect moment to snap your photo. A little creepy, yes but essential to our media team! Next time you see her at the show, give her your best smile and you may end up on our social media pages!

Staff Accountant & STCC VIP

A Little Bit of Everything
A hero in his own right, he is an essential part of our team. He is late to every single meeting, probably because he is out saving the world, rescuing kittens out of trees and helping old ladies across the street. He is the nicest guy you’ll ever meet - unless it’s tax season.